Reserve your Wednesday Night Meals Here!
People with Special Needs
Friday, Feb. 7, 2025
(details coming soon)
Use the links above to navigate to specific event pages, or scroll down below for information about upcoming or prior events!
Please note: Events are not deleted after they happen, so please be aware of the dates included with each event. This helps us show you the types of events our church is hosting throughout the year.

Take-Out Meals

During this unusual period of separation, we will continue to offer meals on Sundays and Wednesdays for you to take home and enjoy.  The deadline to reserve Sunday lunch is Saturday at noon.  The deadline to reserve meals on Wednesday nights is Tuesday at noon.  The cost of the meal is simply a donation. Please consider that your donation is covering the cost of your food and give accordingly.  We will serve the Sunday lunch at 12:00 each week. On Wednesdays, we will serve at 6:00.  No early meals will be distributed. Meals will be brought to your car as you pull through the parking lot.


The Wednesday Night Place to Be


Wednesday Nights at Spencer:

“The Place To Be”

Fall Schedule will begin on Wednesday, Sept. 4


5:30 – Preschool Choir (age 3 – Kindergarten**)

5:30 – Children’s Choir (Grades 1-5)

6:00 – Supper Served (reservations required)

6:45 – Sharing of Church Concerns, Birthdays,

            Anniversaries, and more!

7:00 – Mission Friends (age 3 – K); GAs (Girls

            grades 1-5); RAs (Boys Grades 1-5);   Youth Bible Study (grades 6-12); Adult    Bible Study; Adult Choir


**younger children may participatein preschool choir when accompanied by a parent/guardian