Red Cross Blood Drive

Thursday, March 10, 2022
Sign up to donate at
1:00 – 6:00
Family Life Center


Centrikid 2022

July 18-22 (subject to change)

It’s time to register your kids for summer camp! Centri-kid is for children who are currently in Grades 2-5.  It is a fabulous time of Bible Study, Recreation, Worship, and more. The cost for camp this year is $275.  There are scholarship monies that may be available; however, each camper MUST pay a $60 deposit by April 1.  This deposit is non-refundable UNLESS the camp is cancelled due to COVID or your child doesn’t pass the COVID health screening when we are preparing to leave. Our dates for this summer are not set in stone due to the limits set by Lifeway Camps.  We are guaranteed spots for the week of July 18, but we are on a waiting list for spots to open up for the week of June 20.  We will have final dates within the first few weeks of this month. If you register your child and end up having to cancel due to our date change, we will refund your deposit.  See Kelly for more information about Centrikid 2022!



Country Ham & Chicken Pie Supper-March 5

It’s an all you can eat event!! Invite your family, friends, and neighbors. Tickets are now available. $10 for adults and $5 for kids (under 3 is free).  For more information, or to purchase tickets, call the church office today!


Kid’s Spring Break Challenge

Since school is out this week, our Kid’s Challenges will be a bit different.  Listed below are several tasks that can be done this week. Each task is worth 1 point.  If all of the tasks are complete by next Sunday at 11 AM, you will receive 5 bonus points.  Do these all at once, or spread them out over the week.  Post to our facebook page or text to Kelly – the hashtag for the week is #spencerkidsrule

**Make an Obstacle CourseProverbs 3:6 – He will make your paths straight.
**Make a TOP 5 word or picture list of what you look forward to after this quarantine.Ephesians 3:20 – God can do anything, you know – far more than you could ever imagine in your wildest dreams.
**Create a Tic-Tac-Toe Game using items from your house. – XOXOXO   1 John 3:23– Love one another.

**Draw a picture or make a card for someone who lives alone. Mail it to them (you can call the church office for an address). –  Matthew 22:39 – Love your neighbor as yourself.



Kid’s Challenge Day 19

Day 19 Challenge
When they crucified him, they divided up his clothes by casting lots. And sitting down, they kept watch over him there. Above his head they placed the written charge against him: “this is jesus, the king of the jews”  
Matthew 27:35-37

Clue: Shake me, roll me, what will I be? Snake eyes or doubles?

Wait and see! What am I?


Kid’s Challenge Day 18

They stripped him and put a scarlet robe on him, and then twisted together a crown of thorns and set it on his head. They put a staff in his right hand. Then they knelt in front of him and mocked him. “Hail, king of the Jews!” they said.   Matthew 27:28-29


One touch will make you frown. I’m not meant to be twisted into a crown. What am I? (if you can’t take a picture of this, you can post your answer)

