Centrikid Info

UPDATES (June 19, 2023)
Here is some important information for parents:
1) We will have a meeting Sunday night (June 25) at 5:00 in the Chapel.  This is for campers AND parents. You will receive a packing list, housing information, track time cards, and more. If you cannot be there, you need to schedule a time to pick up the packing list and other materials and speak with me to review all the details you will miss.
2) I am still missing several permission slips.  You must use the link below to complete the form.  If you are having trouble with this, please let me know so I can help.  All forms must be completed and submitted ASAP. You do not need to complete the form more than once.  If you are not sure if You have done this, ask me.  I have the list.
3) The camp is not asking for copies of insurance cards this year, but I would like to have that information in my files just in case we need it during camp.  If you can, take a picture of the front and back of your child’s insurance card and email it or text it to me (828-429-0124). You can also bring it to the meeting and I can copy it.  ***Chaperones, I would like you to do this, too****
4) Payments are due by July 1.  If you have not made arrangements to take care of this, please be in touch with me.  I have a lot of kids going to camp, and money is tight. For those who have requested assistance, please try to dig deep and make any additional contributions that you can. Remember that your child is getting so much from camp – Lodging, Food, Lessons, Shirts, Fellowship, Supervision, and more.  None of that happens without the money that we charge for camp!
5) Help your child memorize our camp verse between now and the time for camp. We will be working on it at church, too!   It is “Humans do not see what the Lord sees, for humans see what is visible, but the Lord sees the heart. 1 Samuel 16:7″
Let me know if you have questions or concerns!  I can’t wait for Centrikid!!!!!!
The link to the online camp permission form is here!  You can click this link or scan the QR code.  This form must be completed prior to July 1, so do it today!
Contact Info
Kelly Settlemyre
church – (828) 286-2355
cell (828) 429-0124